Thanks for your honest feedback.
I’m sorry that you feel assaulted by reforms for years. As a young teacher in Austria, I haven’t felt this way (so far).
I wish I weren’t personally familiar with a high percentage of teachers hating children. But I am. If there were longitudinal studies on teachers’ attitudes towards children, I would have used them. Let me know if I overlooked something. There are amazing teachers all over the globe. Let’s start by acknowledging the great teachers who make the best of a diseased system.
Please note that I didn’t write teachers “relinquish the professional role to algorithms.” I’d be curious to know how you define the professional role of teachers.
I see the human student-teacher connection as the most essential part of learning. At the same time, algorithm facilitated curricula can give students what they need in the way they need and when they need it.
I felt attacked by your statement there’s “no “cure” in this article, but just a distorted view of the past and the future of education.”
This article roots in my personal experience. I invested a lot of time and energy in writing. I wish you give your students more appreciative feedback than you gave me.
Thanks again for sharing your viewpoint.