Eva Keiffenheim
Eva Keiffenheim


I’m Eva Keiffenheim, a systems change advocate, co-creating a world where everyone can thrive.

From a first-generation student in rural Germany to an agent of change, my journey defied expectations.

I grew up in a family where hard work wasn’t just valued—it was survival. At 16, I stood on factory floors. At 18, I delivered mail before sunrise. During my undergraduate years, I scaled the part-time job ladder, from cleaning to human resources in FinTech, from sales agent to Shanghai intern. Back then, I believed, “Work hard, and anything is possible.”

But as I climbed, I discovered something unsettling: privilege and societal barriers that hard work alone couldn’t overcome. Rejecting a lucrative consultancy offer, I stepped into a Teach for Austria classroom, and everything changed.

Facing poverty’s harsh realities, I saw an undeniable truth: it wasn’t the children who were failing—it was the system. That’s when my perspective shifted from individual striving to systemic change.

As a self-employed writer, I found a new path. Writing online opened doors I never knew existed, bringing flexibility, joy, and a deeper sense of purpose. This became my turning point.

I learned that true change isn’t about “one size fits all.” It’s about dismantling systemic oppression, confronting privilege, and championing diversity. I moved from an individualistic mindset to embracing collective action. Real change, I discovered, requires listening, humility, and community-driven solutions.

Now, I use my skills and privilege to facilitate change. My mission is to design systems where everyone can thrive.

Medium member since July 2023
Editor of SkillUp Ed
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Eva Keiffenheim

Eva Keiffenheim


Learning expert with 5M+ reads l Working toward a better world, one narrative at a time. Start writing for millions of readers http://bit.ly/learnletter